
Eid ul adha Comming Soon

By, Abubakar
  • 05 Jul, 2022
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Udiyah or Qurbani is compulsory until the children are adults.
Qurbani can only be performed after the Eid-ul-Adha prayers from the 10th of Zul-Hijja to the 12th of Zul-Hujja
The condition of a Qurbani animal should be healthy.
Animals that are weak, blind, physically disabled, or those who are young, have broken horns or no teeth are ineligible.
You can opt for a goat, sheep, cow, buffalo or camel for Qurbani.
Saying the Takbeer ' Bismillahi Allahu Akbar (in the name of 
Allah, Allah is Great) at the time of sacrifice are the successful and acceptable words.