
Insta Users soon to be allowed to Create Post from Desktops

By, Zeeshan Ahmed Khan
  • 09 Nov, 2022
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Currently, alot of Insta features can be used from a desktop only, like the creation of posts.

According to Confirmed Sources,
  • Instagram users will be able to create posts from desktops. Users will be able to upload photos or videos to the insta site through drag and drop and then add filters to post them. It is not yet disclosed when this option would be released for users.
  • Instagram is reportedly developing a new feature that will allow users to create and publish posts directly from their desktops. This means that users will no longer be restricted to creating content solely from the mobile app, and will have the option to use a larger screen and physical keyboard when creating their posts. This feature will likely be beneficial for users who prefer to work on a desktop or laptop computer, and could potentially make the content creation process easier and more efficient. However, it is important to note that there is no official release date for this feature, and it is still unclear whether it will have any limitations or restrictions compared to creating posts from the mobile app.